「2013/7/8にRSpec 2.14がリリースされた」の、ファーストインプレッション

RSpec 2.14 is released!: http://myronmars.to/n/dev-blog/2013/07/rspec-2-14-is-released ってことで、ざっとリリースノートを読んで、びびっときたのはこれだ!!

Core: Shared example groups are scoped to the context they are defined in

Before 2.14, shared example groups were stored in a global hash, could be defined in any context, and could be used from any context. In 2.14, this has changed: shared example groups are now scoped to the context they are defined in.


ということで、興味がある方はRSpec 2.14にアップデートしてみてくださいね〜。

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